It’s spring and your Civic League is returning to life!
Our next meeting is March 21st, 7:00 pm, Shelton Park Elementary School cafeteria (enter behind the school). No social prior to the meeting.
Our next meeting is March 21st, 7:00 pm, Shelton Park Elementary School cafeteria (enter behind the school). No social prior to the meeting.
Unfortunately, we have to cancel the March Civic League Meeting due to federal and state guidance from health professionals, and the public schools in Virginia closing for the next two weeks. Some useful websites you can use to stay appraised of the situation are: Center for Disease Control Covid-19 Website Virginia Depart of Health Covid-19…
I would like to inform you and your members that an Open House Public Meeting will be held by the Virginia Beach Public Works Department for the Lake Bradford/Chubb Lake CIP (CIP 7-053). We are seeking public input on repetitive residential and roadway flooding within project study area. The meeting will be held on Thursday,…